More Hello & Welcome Songs for Elementary Music


In my last post, I shared many ways to use one welcome song, Hello Everybody, across the grade levels.  In this post, you will find a small collection of my favorite hello songs or welcome songs from various sources. 
Having a variety of welcome songs in your song bag allows you to choose a different song for different grade levels. It also gives you the freedom to choose new songs every month or every quarter. 

Hello There

This one is a favorite with my younger students.  I first discovered it in the kindergarten Making Music book and the first grade Spotlight on Music book.  It is an echo song, so it is very easy to get even your youngest students to participate quickly.  

Here's the notation from Beth's Notes:  Hello There

I'm so Glad to Be Here

This Music K8 song is also a hit with the younger crowd!  It is available as a singles reproducible kit or in Volume 10 Number 1 of the magazine.  It is very easy to sing, with just the right amount of repetition.  The built-in movements are fun, too!

Gilly Gilly Good Morning

I discovered this song when my district adopted the Spotlight on Music series many years ago. It has such a bright happy sound!  BUT, my kindergarten and first graders came to music in the afternoon!  The song works just as well by substituting "afternoon" for "morning."

When your students have learned the song, try adding some hand movements.  These are simple enough for your young students and can be done individually in personal space, so no shared space.

If you wish to add Orff instruments and a movement activity, check this one out by Rob Amchin.  This really extends the skills for our older students.

New Hello Songs

When you have worked your way through some of these "standard" hello songs and you are ready for a stretch, this next video is a GOLD MINE! Natasha Sigmund has shared six original songs in such a wonderful variety of tonalities-of course major & aeolian, but also lydian blues & mixolydian. Most of the songs offer a chance for tonal or rhythmic improvisation.  I love that she offers free downloads of the music and the songs are easily accompanied on the ukulele.  Even as a beginning uke player, I was able to accompany my students!  We really loved the first song, Groovy Hello.

Hello, How Are You? by Mr. DelGaudio

Such a bright and happy hello song! Your students will love this lyric video by Mr. DelGaudio. 

Everyone's Welcome by QuaverEd

While the video is no longer on YouTube, Quaver subscribers, check out this great song. You might consider pairing this song with the book, All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold (affiliate link).  Great message!

Another new favorite artist is Stephanie Leavell. She has quite a few hello songs on your YouTube Channel, Music for Kiddos. This video includes 3 songs: two written by Stephanie along with an adaptation of a favorite song of mine, Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.  These songs are great for younger students!

What are your favorite hello & welcome songs? Please share in the comments!

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