Cyber Monday Deals for Music Teachers

Any other bargain shoppers out there? Just me? Oh, I'm sure some of you will join me in enjoying a good sale! Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become synonymous with bargains. Here are some of the things that I have found useful for me and for my classroom.

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I only recommend products that I know and love.

Deals for the Classroom

Nutcrackers for your classroom

Nutcrackers come in many sizes, colors, styles and of course all different prices. The above links are just a few of the available options.

This Black Nutcracker Christmas Table Runner might make a distinctive seasonal cover for your piano.

Find my Favorite Nutcracker Story Books in this post:

Manipulatives for music activities

Scarves! Great for juggling, steady beat, and other movement activities, these 24" square Juggling Silk Dance Scarves are bright and colorful. 

I keep a stash of plastic cups for cup games. My first set was from Dollar Tree. They were quite tall and very flexible plastic. Students had a hard time gripping the cups and they split around the edges pretty quickly. These 8 ounce Plastic Kids Cups are a stiffer plastic and a smaller size than my original set. Perfect for small hands to grip!

Finger puppets are great for vocal play and improvisation! Wiggly Eyeball Finger Puppets are child-sized and perfect for creative music play. This package of 100 puppets is such a deal! Each child can have one puppet for each hand! 

(Be sure to give explicit instructions on how to hold/use them. The eyes can be punched out! I could usually fix them, but giving instructions and challenging students to care for their puppets usually stopped most of the problems.)

Zoo Animal Finger Puppets are also great for vocal play, improvisation, and creative story telling. This set is plastic, so much easier to clean and sanitize than plush puppets.

Bucket Drumming Supplies

5A Classic America Maple Wood Drumsticks are great for bucket drumming. 

When I used the inexpensive bundle of drumsticks, I took (what felt like) forever and wrapped each in electrical tape to avoid splintering and breaking. It worked like a charm! I used those drumsticks with very challenging 5th grade classes for 5-6 weeks every spring for 3 years and not one stick was broken.

Here's the demo video I followed when wrapping my sticks:

Deals for the Teacher

This Keurig K-Express Single Cup Coffee Maker has a moderately small footprint, perfect for limited counter space. I know I didn't always have time to drink the whole cup straight through, so the fact that this one accommodates a travel mug is a plus. 

I love having a new journal at the beginning of the year. This Music is What Feelings Sound Like Leather Journal Notebook would be a great gift for a music colleague or just grab one for yourself! 

This Music Journal (Diary) option is perfect for your songwriting ideas! One side of the page is lined and the other side contains music staves. While this doesn't seem to be on sale at the time of this writing, the price is very reasonable.

Deals on Teachers Pay Teachers

Sally's Sea of Songs entire store will be on sale for any upcoming TPT Sitewide Sale. Keep an eye on social media posts to learn the exact dates! Stock up on resources to get your January lessons planned in a snap! I like to start off the new year with music literacy activities. Here are a few with a winter theme.

Snowball Splats Animated Vocal Warmups Use these wintery slides as a transition from vocal exploration to traditional vocal warm-ups! Perfect for use across grade levels. Your singers will love following the simple animations to warm up their voices with some wintery fun!

Mittens & Snowballs 4/4 Rhythm Review Bundle Rhythm review! This bundle contains 3 levels of rhythm patterns for reading practice. Play a large group game on your interactive whiteboard or set up in a center. Printable cards and game instructions for flash card & center games are included!

Color by Music - Winter BAG, BAGED, BAGCD  includes winter themed color by music mystery pictures to help students differentiate between the first notes commonly used by beginner recorder players. Great for notation awareness lessons and perfect for your sub tub!

Musical Songs & Stories Bundle is perfect for young singers & beginning recorder players. Simple refrains, along with Orff arrangements bring fairy tales to life!

Bargain Shoppers Unite!

Tune in for Cyber Monday deals at Sally's Sea of Songs. Score the perfect harmony of savings on music resources. Don't miss out – let the budget-friendly melody begin! 

Musically yours,


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